The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued massive reform surrounding the administration of federal funds and that reform is known as the Uniform Guidance (“Guidance”). The objectives of the Guidance are to eliminate unnecessary and burdensome administrative requirements, operate with a smarter, more risk-based approach, strengthen the accountability surrounding federal dollars and ensure that the federal government is bearing their fair share of the costs.
All federal grant recipients need to understand the changes introduced by the Guidance and evaluate how it impacts their organizations; you should take an inventory of your awards and identify which awards are under the new Guidance and which are still under the previous circulars. By effectively implementing the guidance, you not only comply with the new rules and regulations, but also ensure that you are getting your fair share of reimbursement. If you do not understand and effectively implement the Guidance, you may put your organization out of compliance, which may jeopardize your potential for future funding.
In order to effectively implement the reform it will take the collaborative efforts of the federal funding agencies, grant recipients and accountants. On the following pages, we’ve created a checklist to help you effectively implement the new Guidance.
Changes & New Concepts | Implementation Best Practices |
MUST understand the compliance requirements applicable to each award and have internal controls established such that the compliance requirements are being adhered to. |
MUST take prompt action on audit findings. |
MUST have controls to safeguard personal and sensitive information. |
Your internal controls SHOULD be in compliance with guidance in the Green Book or the “Internal Control Integrated Framework”, issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). |
Changes & New Concepts | Implementation Best Practices |
Pass Through Entities (PTEs) MUST include specific information in the sub award including CFDA #, DUNS #, federal program name, indirect cost rate information, and terms and conditions for closing out award. |
PTEs MUST perform a risk evaluation of the subrecipient |
Changes & New Concepts | Implementation Best Practices |
Federal funding agencies and PTEs MUST accept a federally negotiated indirect cost rate. |
The Guidance provides a de minimus indirect cost rate of 10% of MTDC (modified total direct costs) to entities who have never had a negotiated indirect cost rate. |
Allows for one-time extension without further negotiation of a federally approved rate up to four years. |
Changes & New Concepts | Implementation Best Practices |
MUST maintain a written conflict of interest policy. |
MUST use one of the five methods of procurement. |
Due to the magnitude of the change and additional requirements introduced, the OMB has granted a full one-year grace period. |
Changes & New Concepts | Implementation Best Practices |
Have an established written payroll policy. |
The new Guidance is less prescriptive on documentation and steadfast requirements and allows you more flexibility in accounting for compensation. However, the Guidance places an emphasis on having sound controls over payroll and requires that compensation be based on records that accurately reflect the work performed. |
Changes & New Concepts | Implementation Best Practices |
The Single Audit threshold has been increased from $500,000 to $750,000. The Single Audit changes take effect for fiscal years ending December 31, 2015 and later. |
Armanino provides an integrated set of accounting services — audit, tax, consulting and technology solutions — to a wide range of organizations operating both in the US and globally.
You can count on Armanino to think strategically, to provide the sound insights that lead to positive action. We address not just your compliance issues, but your underlying business challenges, as well — assessing opportunities, weighing risks, and exploring the practical implications of both your short- and long-term decisions.
When you work with us, we give you options that are fully aligned with your business strategy. If you need to do more with less, we will implement the technology to automate your business processes. If it’s financial, we can show you proven benchmarks and best practices that can add value company wide. If the issue is operational, we’ll consult with your people about workflow efficiencies. If it’s compliance, we’ll ensure you meet the requirements and proactively plan to take full advantage of the changes at hand. At every stage in your company’s lifecycle, we’ll help you find the right balance of people, processes and technology.