Most organizations today rely on numerous third-party vendors, suppliers and partners. These relationships can add tremendous value to your organization but also add significant risk if not rigorously managed.
Your Challenges
Vendor security is more critical than ever, yet many companies still struggle to identify, assess and risk rank the partners that support their business. Handling risk management processes via emails and spreadsheets adds to the complexity of security assessments while reducing their effectiveness. An end-to-end vendor risk management program that leverages automation tools can give you the necessary insights to stay ahead.
In a reactive world, having hundreds of vendors’ security information scattered across spreadsheets makes identifying risks, such as who has access to sensitive data or is up for reassessment, extremely difficult. In a proactive world, you're able to locate, assess and track vendors through their entire lifecycle.
Stay on the cutting edge with an industry-leading platform delivered by risk management and technology experts
Compare vendors and leverage automated workflows for vendor intake, risk ranking and security assessments
Gather, store, query and report on vendor data and unlock insights previously stuck in spreadsheets
Address the challenges that make business leaders sidestep security via a customizable vendor intake process
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