Joe is a people-focused accounting and finance consultant with 15 years as a trusted advisor to Fortune Global 500, portfolio and startup companies. He has led international projects in various industries, including technology (software, SaaS, electronics, and IT services), infrastructure, retail and consumer products.
His work focuses on technical accounting and financial transactions related to global expansion, audit and IPO preparation, and restatements. Joe’s deep audit foundation helps him anticipate issues before they arise and identify the steps needed to prevent them. He builds consensus and gets the team moving together in the right direction.
Before joining Armanino, Joe was at KPMG South Korea where he developed expertise in bridging cultural divides and communication gaps and led projects across Asia. Joe returned to the U.S. and refocused his international expertise to help Asia and Central American firms navigate the U.S. business and regulatory environments.
Joe는IT, 제조업, 비영리기관, 소매업및소비재산업고객들의복잡한회계문제해결을지원하는데15년의경력을가진회계및재무컨설턴트입니다. 조는Armanino의경영자문부서에서재무회계자문을주로담당하며, 감사준비, 재무보고서수정및재발행서비스, 그리고회계관련기술문제해결을지원합니다. 그는프로세스개선및자동화를통해고객의프로세스를개선하고품질과일관성을높이는데기여합니다.
고객들은조의뛰어난의사소통능력을강점으로꼽으며, 복잡하고도전적인문제를명확하게설명하고, 다양한문화간협업을할수있는능력은팀에중요한자산이됩니다.
조는연세대학교국제학대학원에서국제금융전공으로석사학위를받았습니다. Armanino에합류하기전에, KPMG 삼정회계법인과KPMG미국 댈러스지사에서근무했습니다.