Jarrett Ganan

Partner, Armanino Advisory LLC

Have a desire to learn and a willingness to help.

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Meet Jarrett

Jarrett joined the accounting profession in 2011. A tax professional with experience in many diverse industries, he specializes in partnership tax compliance and has extensive experience dealing with the tax planning aspects of structuring business ventures and transactions. His primary practice areas include cannabis, entertainment (both film production and for talent) and high net worth individuals.

He is a licensed CPA that earned a B.S. in accounting and a B.A. in business administration (finance) from Loyola Marymount University, and a J.D. and LL.M. in taxation from the University of San Diego Law School. Jarrett is an active member of the California State Bar and a member of the American Bar Association, the California Lawyers Association Taxation Section and the California Society of CPAs.

Contact Jarrett Ganan


Professional History


  • California Society of Certified Public Accountants
  • California Bar Association
  • American Bar Association


  • Loyola Marymount University
  • University of San Diego School of Law


  • Nigro Karlin Segal Feldstein & Bolno, LLC
  • Rothstein Kass
  • Andersen Tax


Q. What is the toughest decision you have ever made?
Early in my career, I was working at a very stable accounting firm. A boss that I respected and had a great working relationship with left for another firm and offered me the opportunity to join. I struggled with making the decision to leave the security of my previous firm, but I ultimately decided to follow that working relationship, and built other relationships following that move that continue to have a big impact on my life. I'm thrilled that I decided to take that leap.
Q. What law or regulation in the accounting industry would you like to see changed?
Q. Without naming names, tell us about your favorite client and why you enjoyed working with them.
Q. Describe your work style.
Q. What’s your proudest moment?
Q. Who is (or was) the most influential person in your life
Q. If you could pass on a nugget of wisdom to aspiring accountants or consultants, what would that be?
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Industries Served
Jarrett's Thought Leadership
Film Production and Others, Beware 163(j) Business Interest Expense Changes
Plan now because the tax impact to businesses and investors hits in 2022.

April 21, 2021